
How to Protect Your Small Business from Cyber Attacks

How to Protect Your Small Business from Cyber Attacks

Understanding Cyber Threats Small businesses are often targets for cyber attacks. Hackers know that these businesses may not have strong security measures in place. Understanding the types of threats you face is the first step in protecting your business. Common threats include phishing attacks, malware, and ransomware. Phishing attacks trick you into revealing sensitive information.

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Critical Logic Flaw Allows Overwrite of Any User Account: What You Need to Know

Critical Logic Flaw Allows Overwrite of Any User Account: What You Need to Know

While conducting web application testing, I focused on the email and password update sections, particularly the email update functionality. This feature is crucial as it contains a critical vulnerability that can lead to the overwriting of any user account. Description: A critical logic flaw in the account update functionality allows an attacker to overwrite any

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Top 10 Benefits of Regular Penetration Testing for Your Business

Top 10 Benefits of Regular Penetration Testing for Your Business

Ever wondered why regular penetration testing is crucial for your business? Let’s dive into the top 10 benefits and see how it can help you stay secure and ahead of the game. 1. Identify Vulnerabilities Regular penetration testing helps you find weaknesses in your system before hackers do. By identifying these vulnerabilities, you can take

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0-click Account Takeover (ATO) via Google Authentication

0-click Account Takeover (ATO) via Google Authentication

Understanding 0-click account takeover (ATO) via Google Authentication is crucial for maintaining your online security. This type of attack allows hackers to gain access to your accounts without any action needed from you. They exploit vulnerabilities in the authentication process. Google Authentication is widely used for securing accounts. It adds an extra layer of security

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