The Risks of IDOR Vulnerabilities: How a Simple Flaw Can Expose Sensitive Data

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The Risks of IDOR Vulnerabilities: How a Simple Flaw Can Expose Sensitive Data


The Risks of IDOR Vulnerabilities: How a Simple Flaw Can Expose Sensitive Data

Imagine organizing an event with hundreds of attendees, all trusting your platform to keep their personal information safe. Now, imagine if that information, including names and contact details, could be accessed by anyone with just a small change in a web address. This is precisely the kind of risk posed by an Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR) vulnerability.

In this post, we’re going to explore how IDOR vulnerabilities work, the potential harm they can cause, and why securing your platform is crucial for maintaining user trust.

What is an IDOR Vulnerability?

An IDOR vulnerability occurs when an application exposes internal objects (such as files, records, or data) by using predictable or sequential identifiers in its URLs or API calls. Without proper access control, an attacker can manipulate these identifiers to access information they shouldn’t be able to see.

In simpler terms, imagine you’re at a library, and every book has a unique ID number. If you were given a book with ID #101, but you decide to change that number to #102, and suddenly you’re able to access a completely different book that you’re not authorized to read. That’s essentially what happens with an IDOR vulnerability—except the “books” in this case could be sensitive data, like a list of attendees at a private event.

How IDOR Can Expose Sensitive Attendee Data

In a recent case, a vulnerability was found in the export function of an event management platform. This function allows users to download attendee data in a convenient file format. However, it turns out that the URL responsible for generating this file included a simple numerical ID parameter—meaning anyone who knew about it could change the ID and access other attendees’ information.

Let’s break down how it works:

  1. The platform provides a URL for exporting attendee data:
  2. By changing the [ID] to another number, the attacker can access different sets of attendee data.

For example, changing the ID in this URL:


Would download a different set of data if the number is modified. With minimal effort, an attacker could cycle through IDs, harvesting data on every event attendee hosted on the platform.

Why This Matters: The Consequences of Data Exposure

Exposing sensitive attendee data isn’t just a minor oversight—it can have serious consequences for both the platform and its users.

  • Privacy Violations: Attendees trust the platform to handle their personal information securely. Exposing this data could result in identity theft, phishing attacks, or other malicious activities.
  • Business Repercussions: For platforms built around event management, this kind of vulnerability can be particularly harmful. The loss of trust from users can lead to client attrition, damage to the company’s reputation, and potential loss of revenue.
  • Legal and Compliance Issues: Depending on the region, exposing personal information could result in regulatory violations, leading to fines and legal action under data protection laws like GDPR or CCPA.

Preventing IDOR Vulnerabilities

So how can platforms prevent vulnerabilities like this from happening in the future? Here are a few best practices:

  1. Implement Proper Authorization Checks: Always verify that the user making the request is authorized to access the data or resource. This is critical, especially when dealing with sensitive information.
  2. Use Non-Predictable Identifiers: Instead of using easily guessable numerical IDs, use more complex identifiers such as UUIDs (universally unique identifiers), making it much harder for attackers to guess valid IDs.
  3. Limit Data Exposure: Only provide the necessary data based on the user’s role and permissions. Avoid over-exposing data unless it’s essential for the user’s function.
  4. Secure Your Export Functions: Functions that allow users to download data in bulk should have additional layers of security, such as confirming user permissions and adding logging to detect unusual behavior.
  5. Regular Security Testing: Conduct periodic penetration tests to identify and fix vulnerabilities before attackers can exploit them. This can be done in-house or with a specialized cybersecurity firm.


IDOR vulnerabilities like this one are more common than many realize, and their impact can be severe—particularly when sensitive information like attendee data is exposed. By understanding how these vulnerabilities work and implementing the right security measures, businesses can protect their users, maintain trust, and stay compliant with data protection regulations.

At Cyber AR, we specialize in identifying and fixing vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. Don’t wait for a breach to happen—schedule a security assessment with our team today.


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